Next-gen games consoles brought various innovative 2013 videogames

on Monday, March 24, 2014

The best 2013 videogames

The last year has been very abundant as well as innovative regarding videogames, thanks also to the launch of the next-gen games consoles. Let's analyze 2013's top 5 video games:

5. Batman: Arkham Origins

And so the Dark Knight makes it to the fifth position, really a good spot for a video game which doesn't have any major improvements in comparison to the earlier game of the series, nevertheless which happens to be exciting plus enjoying to play.

4. Battlefield 4

Battlefied 4 gets this fourth place, because of its completely new implementations in addition to graphics updates. The Levolution system is actually wonderful, and lots of gamers were still left astonished having looked at the first trailer of it. Get your gun right now and make a skyscraper collapse facing your eyes, it can be a great experience.

3. Bioshock Infinite

2K Games continuously fascinate everybody with the Bioshock series. This past year they made it once more, with a new chapter entirely unlinked with the previous ones. Completely new setting, new game play, innovative characters. And the intriguing fact is that the video game even overcame his predecessors, with a spectacular new place (Columbia) as well as meaningful characters (Elizabeth).

2. GTA 5

Rockstar certainly is the software house which can generate the most hype with regards to a video game. On the 2nd November 2011 the Rockstar's guys released a trailer regarding Grand Theft Auto 5, and consequently from that instant the entire world became crazy, waiting for the release of the game. Now GTA 5 is out, and as its usual, it impressed the experts and also left amazed each and every videogamer. Enjoy your money Rockstar, you deserved it.

1. The Last of Us

At the top of our podium there's the masterpiece of Naughty Dog, their completely new survival video game. The Last of Us receives this place due to the amazing plot he works with, due to the characters that populate the video game (but primarily to the protagonists), and because of the framework in which the story is definitely told - or far better, played -. The Last of Us is better than the majority of movies at telling a tale articulate, touching and full of feelings.


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